
Friday, October 24, 2014


HI HI HI HI HI HI HIIII! Lol sorry. anyways, it hasn't bin a long time since I posted. So I decided to post now. Okay, sorry about the pokemon creepypasta. I know its an Animal Jam blog. BUT SERIOUSLY I GET BORED, OKAY?! But anyways, I hope you guys liked it! Also, a new animal is coming to AJ. POLAR BEARSZ!!!! I think... but still, log on AJ to see 4 ur self! :D

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pokemon CreepyPasta: Strange Girl

It always the same thing at my school. Do morning work, do science, do math, go to lunch, go to recess, switch classes, go home. But one thing about my school is the strange girl in my class. Her name is Chloe. Shes blond and her hair is always messy. She always has a shirt on with a yellow bunny with a lightning bolt tail. There are sometimes different creatures, but there's always the yellow bunny on her shirts. They always say "Poke'mon" on them with yellow text. She never ever talks. Well, she does sometimes. When ever she does talk, she always whispers creepy messages. But still, she was always made fun of and bullied. So I decided to try to be her friend. "Hey, Chloe, wanna come have a sleep over with me and Tia?" I asked one day. She just shook her head. "Why not? It's gonna be extra fun!" I asked again. Surprisingly, she answered me. "No. I can't go. I'm to busy..." she said. "With what? Homework?" asked Tia, my friend. Chloe just walked away. I looked back at Tia, and she just shrugged. After that, Chloe started talking again. Not the creepy messages, but actually responding to people. One day, she asked me something I never thought I would hear from her.
"Hey, Emily, wanna have a sleep over with me and Tia?" she asked one day. I said yes right away, and she explained what time it would be. On Thursday, we went to Chloe's house. She wanted to show us something right away. She got a nintendo 3DS and turned it on. There was an icon of a game called Poke'mon HeartGold Version floating on the top and bottom screen. She pressed the icon and the game started. She was in a town called Lavender Town. There was a white dragon creature following her character. She went inside a house that had graves in it. I was really crept out by the graves. But then she said it was time for dinner after looking at her watch. She saved her game and turned it off. The next day, I was talking about the sleep over. But after the sleep over, kids and teachers were vanishing from the school. Even Tia was missing! I never saw Tia again after she went missing. I thought she had moved, so I wouldn't feel scared. But one day, her parents came and were talking about Tia. Her mom was crying and her dad was talking with my teacher. I over heard what they were saying. They said they had found Tia's body in a parking lot, along with the other missing kid's bodies. After that, I couldn't help but cry. But then I heard something else. They said a white dragon like creature with blue scales was eating the bodies. They had just described the creature I saw on Chloe's game! I could not believe what I heard. I saw Chloe walking down the hallway. She walked up to me and said to meet her at recess. At recess, I waited at the soccer field. I saw her walking towards me and I waved. "Hey, wanna see something cool?" she asked. I said yes. Now, I regret that. I do not want to explain the details. All I can say it was... darkness...

I woke up in the hospital, my parents were there. I could barely remember anything...

After a few years, I looked up poke'mon. It was actually really cool. I decided to get a copy of the new game that had just came out, Poke'mon X version. I played the whole game. It was cool, but really short. I decided to play one of the other games. I went to GameStop and asked if they had any of the old games. "We have one, but I don't think you'll like it." he said. I just told him it will be fine so that he would give me the game already. "Just so you know, this game belonged to a murderer..." he informed me. I instantly freaked out. I wanted the game, but seriously, it belonged to a murderer? I just payed for the game and left. I decided to check out the old save file. The person was named Chloe. "Hey, reminds me of an old friend-" my sentence cut off when I said that. I just decided to shut up and play the game. The character was in lavender town and had a ghost type pokemon following her. Her whole team were Gastlys. They were all named different names. Bobby, Sally, Jake, Blake, Elly, but the last one really scared me. It's name was...Tia. I remembered who Tia was. I suddenly remembered the names of the other gastlys, too! They were the names of the kids in my 5th grade class... I instantly went to the PC, to find more familiar named gastlys. The boxes only had gastlys. until I went to the last box... There, was a poke'mon called Lugia. It was the same one that killed Tia... It had blood on it's mouth and wings, and there in it's mouth...was Tia. She was bleeding and when Lugia's sprite moved, Tia was gushing blood out of her. I never touched that game again. Instead I got a new copy of Heartgold. I instantly deleted the old save file, just to be safe. I started the new file and chose Totodile, because it was adorable. But everything changed when I reached Kanto, though. My pokemon had...vanished... Feralagatr was the only one left. I went inside a cave and found...the bodies of the other pokemon on my team. They were all dead. I clicked on there bodies, The text box said: "Emily looked at the bodies blankly..."
I had no idea what was going on. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I went to answer it, and it was Chloe.