
Thursday, February 5, 2015

STOP ANIMAL TESTING (An AJ fanfiction) part 1

"Where am I...?" Fauna muffled as she woke up in a giant leather bag. "HELP!! HELP ME HELP!!!!" a voice yelled. "STOP IT!!! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!!!" another voice cried. "MOMMY!!! HELP ME!!" the voice kept yelling. Fauna jumped out of the bag an ran towards where the voice came from. A human was holding a beagle puppy, trying to stick a needle into it. "LEAVE HIM ALONE, YOU HIDEOUS MONSTER!!!!!" Fauna yelled. She bit the human's throat, making it yell in pain. It dropped the puppy and fell to the floor. It lied dead, lying on the floor lifeless. Fauna had blood on her teeth, dripping from her mouth. The puppy was lying on the floor, not moving. Fauna ran over to the puppy, huffing from being tired after putting so much energy into killing the human. She nudged the puppy, but it didn't work. The pup then said something after weakly holding his head up. "Save... my mommy... and brothers... and sis...ters..." he whimpered, before his head dropped back on the ground. His entire body lied there, lifeless. Fauna stared at his corpse, her eyes wide and bursting out tears. "NO!!!" a beagle in a cage yelled. "NO!!!! NOT AGAIN!!! I'M NOT LOSING MY BABY AGAIN!!! NO!!! SOMEBODY HELP HIM!!!" she screamed. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!! IT'S JUST TO PAINFUL!!! I CANT GO THROUGH THIS ANYMORE!!!" She started banging on the cage, yelling. Fauna tried to calm her down, but it didn't work. Suddenly, a human came into the room. Once she saw the lifeless corpse of the other human, she screamed and ran out the room. It was just minutes til' sirens could be heard on the outside of the building. Fauna unlocked the cage and led the beagle to the exit. "WAIT!! MY PUPPIES!!! WE CANT LEAVE THEM HERE AND DIE!!!" she cried. Fauna looked around and ran to a room where crying could be heard. She saw about ten puppies, locked in a cage. She unlocked the cage and led the pups to their mother. "What about Dashy? He's still being held prisoner by that human! We need to save him!" a pup cried. Fauna instantly knew what they were talking about. That pup she tried to save but died. "I'm sorry, but he cannot come with us. He's..." Fauna was cut off by her thoughts. The pups were confused, but soon realized what she was saying. They gasped and started to cry. No one could have saved that poor pup...



Fauna belongs to me. Please, Stop animal testing.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lucario vs. Pit (SSBB)

Lucario was sick of losing. He was sick of losing to Pit. All the others made fun of him, even though they had been beaten by Pit thousands of times. But the tournament would change everything. Lucario entered the Smash Bros. Tournament when he heard Pit was going to be in it. If he could just beat Pit, or anyone, in a fight at the tournament, he would at least get a little respect. He was able to beat the Mario in the first match. He was able to move on the the second match. It was against Pit. Pit was doing great. No foe could hit him, or even get close to him. You cannot even counter him. Once you sneak up on him and launch an attack, he'll deflect it and shoot it back at you. But this one battle, this one very special battle, gave Lucario the reason why he never won. He was never focused when fighting. All he did when fighting was launch attacks until he'd get an actual hit on the opponent. He got lucky fighting Mario, but Pit, you could never get a chance of luck fighting him. Once the battle with Pit begun, Lucario used his strategy just as planned. Launch attacks until you get a hit on the opponent. Lucario punched the air until he finally got Pit. But Pit was able to shock Lucario with a spin of his bow. Lucario finally realized he needed to get close in order to attack. He couldn't just get close, hope to hit, and jump back. He had to start using his abilities. He stood still after Pit got knocked back by an attack. Pit ran up to Lucario, getting ready to slash his sword. Just as he held up his sword, Lucario released a giant ball of light. Pit flew back and off the battle field. Lucario heard the buzzer go off. Time was up. Pit flew up weakly and landed in front of Lucario. "Good job, I guess. Looks like I didn't have a chance this time." Pit chuckled. Lucario's eyes shined in amazement. He actually beat Pit! Lucario was able to beat the Ice Climbers in the last round, and Lucario had finally won.

Pit, Lucario, etc belong to Nintendo (I think)
Thanks for reading!