
Sunday, November 30, 2014

AJ Story: Taken Away (Part 2)

Dusty: The heck is going on in here?!
Savannah: Fauna is going back-crap crazy!!!
Dusty: What?!
???: H-HELP ME!!
Dusty: The heck is a human doing here?!
Fauna: -Tears fall from face-
Dusty: Fauna what's wrong?!
Savannah: Fauna, please calm down! We'll just release the human and forget about it!
Dusty: One problem, any human that comes here cannot go back!
Savannah: What? Why?
Dusty: This human might share the secrets of Jamaa, and other humans will come here and destroy us!
Savannah: Well, we gotta tell Mira then!
Fauna: Then what? We'll kill the human? What any good will that make us? What any good will that make me?!
Dusty: Fauna, we'll do what ever Mira tells us to do.

AJ Story: Taken Away (Part One)

Fauna: You took my friend away, and now i'll never get a chance to apologize!
???: WAIT!! I-I'M SORRY!!!!
Fauna: -Unleashes claws- There's no sorry in this! Only REVENGE!
Savannah: FAUNA STOP!!!
???: AAAAH!!!!!!
Savannah: -Grabs Fauna- Is this what Andi would of wanted?!
Fauna: ...

Fauna had a friend, but ??? took her friend away. Fauna finally found who took her friend away. Now she wants REVENGE.

This is based off real life. I had a friend named Andi, and my 4th grade teacher made me hate life and become a jerk. I didn't realize how selfish I became, so now I feel sorry. Chances are that i'll never see my friend again, but i'm sorry.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

HTTYD Story: It looked like a marshmallow...

Hiccup: Toothless, what did you do?!
Toothless: N-Nothing!
Toothless: It wasn't me! It was Stormfly!
Stormfly: What? No it wasn't! It was Toothless!
Hiccup: Toothless, did you eat my pillow?!
Hiccup: What am I going to do with this insane lizard....

No reason.

Dusty: Hi Savannah! Whats up?
Dusty: What? Where?! -looks up-
Savannah: -whacks- HAHA LOSER XD
Dusty: OW! NOT COOL!!
Dusty: Why do you do that?
Savannah: Uh... idk.
Dusty: So you cause pain to me for no reason.
Savannah: Pretty much.




Like my first AJ story? Comment for more! :3

Should I make a lets play channel? :3

Hi guys! So I wanted to ask you guys, should I make my channel a lets play channel? I already  have some crap on there, but i'm sure I can delete them. Here, i'll show you one of my crap job videos.

      YEAH. THAT'S WHAT YOUR GONNA SEE IF YOU DON'T SAY YES YOU SHOULD MAKE A GAMING CHANNEL. Lol i'm just kidding. Anyways, what games should I play? Ask away! But they probably wont be posted until Christmas, btw

Hi yeah sorry.

Hi guys! Yeah, sorry about not posting...... But hey! Everythings cool. Im not dead XD

A sad story

A girl name Ally lived in Oklahoma. She was 11 years old and had a 14 year old sister named Kenzie. When they were younger, they played every single day. But Kenzie was becoming more aggressive to Ally as she made more friends. When Kenzie had friends over, Kenzie would kick Ally out of her own room! That was because they shared rooms together, but all Ally wanted to do was play in her room. Ally had to wait til bed time to go back in her room. Her parents would just say that Kenzie had friends over and Ally shouldn't even be bothering them in the first place. No one agreed with Ally. Sure, your gonna disagree with something somewhere in life, but Ally was kicked out of HER OWN ROOM. No one cared about Ally's ideas, though they might make everything better. As Ally got older, life got harder. When Kenzie got her laptop, she strait up ignored Ally! Ally's grades were going down, her sister was ignoring her, her parents got into fights, everything was horrible. When Ally got to fourth grade, everything was slightly okay at first. But her grand dad died soon after summer ended. After that, life was horrible. Kids made fun of her because of her last name, Egger. They also made fun of her because she had gas problems. Her teacher was mean and lousy. It was so bad that Ally had to be home-schooled. But that didn't help either, because her annoying bratty cousin was running around. Gage was a big cry baby and got Ally in trouble for telling him to be quiet. Gage made Ally's life even harder. All Ally wanted to do was be happy. She said many things that she had when she was little. Her sister, freedom, happiness, and family. She did have her sister, her family, and freedom (sort of), but she didn't have happiness. Her family always scolded her that she has everything, like some other kids don't. Like a family, a home, food, but it wasn't like that. "You'll never understand!" she would yell at family. Ally felt like no one loved her. She felt useless, stupid, bratty, she felt like she didn't belong. She became less social as her life went on. She didn't notice her family was trying to lure her away from her room, but she never came out. Her family stopped trying as they noticed the harder they tried the less social they became. Ally soon noticed that no one cared for company anymore. Ally tried to lure them out of there rooms, but her family just stayed in there rooms. Ally gave up and the family just cared about keeping eatch other healthy and safe. But things were still becoming harder.

                            This story is not finished, but shall be finished soon.
                                     This story is based off my life.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Pictures :3

 I do not own ChibiMaker


1. Teachers are pet peeves
2. They keep on teaching you how to do certain things faster. Why don't you just stick with the way you were taught?
3. Life is to precious. Why waste it sitting in a room with people you've never met? Sure, you could make friends with them, but you'll never get to hang out because of the NO TALKING RULE :P
4. Is it necessary to have a principle? If they don't want to learn, then fine. They'll never be employed or learn to count, so don't bother. They're being a brat, so deal with it.
5. Do you seriously want to eat sloppy touched cafeteria food?
6. Once around 5th and 4th grade, you can't draw after you get all your work done. You have to read. People, there's more to life than reading.
7. Teachers usually accidentally point out something funny, and the students laugh. The teachers tell the kids to shut up, but it's there fault they made them laugh. They need to watch what there saying, then.
8. You stop going out for recess in middle school. Wow, that's unhealthy. Sitting and walking around the filthy school air.