
Sunday, November 30, 2014

AJ Story: Taken Away (Part 2)

Dusty: The heck is going on in here?!
Savannah: Fauna is going back-crap crazy!!!
Dusty: What?!
???: H-HELP ME!!
Dusty: The heck is a human doing here?!
Fauna: -Tears fall from face-
Dusty: Fauna what's wrong?!
Savannah: Fauna, please calm down! We'll just release the human and forget about it!
Dusty: One problem, any human that comes here cannot go back!
Savannah: What? Why?
Dusty: This human might share the secrets of Jamaa, and other humans will come here and destroy us!
Savannah: Well, we gotta tell Mira then!
Fauna: Then what? We'll kill the human? What any good will that make us? What any good will that make me?!
Dusty: Fauna, we'll do what ever Mira tells us to do.

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