
Monday, March 23, 2015

Pokedex Holders x Shiny! Latias! Reader: Part 2

You went unconscious after falling into the water. You had almost drowned. You woke up in a strange building, weird machines attached to your arms and chest. You looks around and saw a lady with pink hair walking towards you.

"Thank goodness you're awake! I thought you wouldn't make it!" she said, smiling with relief. You looked up at her and growled. You didn't know who this person was, you didn't know where you were, and you didn't know how you got there.

"It's alright, we'll get you back into the wild once you recover." the lady said. She let you get up and gave you some Pokemon food. Later, she left to go talk with a trainer. You weren't strong enough to fly yet, so you couldn't follow her. You lied back on the bed you were on and fell asleep.

"GET THE POKEMON OUT OF HERE!" a voice yelled as you woke up. There was smoke filling the room and there was a fire outside. You whimpered and weakly flew out the door. You could fly a bit better now but it still kinda hurt when you were flying. You saw the lady (which you found out was Nurse Joy) running towards the exit, gathering Pokemon and leading them out of the building. You followed her, because she was the only human you could trust. You flew out the exit with Nurse Joy and other Pokemon. A lady ran out the building with her daughter in her arms.

"Are you alright?!" she asked the lady, dashing over towards her.

"Yes, me and my daughter are fine." she replied, panting and coughing. "But three other trainers are stuck in there!"

You overheard there conversation, and flew inside the burning building to help the trainers. You saw three trainers trying to escape, but flames surrounded them. You realized these were the trainers you met on the ship. This kind of shocked you that they were here, but nonetheless you flew over to them and shoved them out an open exit.

"Aauaah!" one of them said, falling over.

"You okay, Yellow?" the boy with the long red hair asked.

"Yeah." she said, getting up. "But who shoved us out?"

They all looked around and saw you.

"Hey! It's the Latias we saved back on Archie's ship!" the boy in the cap said.

"Were you the one who shoved us out the door just now?" asked the girl.

I looked at the door and nodded.

"Thanks!" the girl said, smiling cheerfully. "We would have been dead if you hadn't saved us."

"Yeah, thanks." the boy in the cap said, chuckling in relief.

I looked at the boy with the red hair. He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.

"Don't worry about Silver. I'm sure he thanks you too. He's just kinda shy." the girl said, patting your head.

The boy who you assumed was Silver looked at the blonde girl and rolled his eyes. He muttered something, but you couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Say, you're different from other Latias I saw in books. You're yellow instead of red." the girl said.

"Maybe she's one of those shiny Pokemon Crystal was talking about." the boy in the cap, which you assumed was Gold, replied.

"Yeah. Anyways, we have to get her to her home soon. I assume that island Archie was heading to was her home." the girl, who you assumed was Yellow, told them.

"Good idea. But first, we need to make sure everyone got out safely." Gold said. He ran to the back of the building (which wasn't on fire anymore because some Pokemon helped put it out) while the others followed. You followed too, to make sure Nurse Joy wasn't hurt. Nurse Joy, Silver, Yellow, and Gold were the only humans you trusted. You sighed in relief to find that Nurse Joy and her Chansey were alright. You heard Gold talking to Nurse Joy, so you decided to listen to what they were saying.

"What caused the fire, anyways?" Gold asked.

"A Pokemon attacked the Pokemon Center." Nurse Joy replied. "It looked like that legendary Pokemon named Latios, but it was different colors."

"Did it look angry?"-Gold

"I guess it was. But to me it looked like it was looking for someone." -Nurse Joy

You gasped after hearing their conversation. You might have known who attacked the building.

"Dash! He must be looking for me! Grr, i'm such an idiot! I forgot!" You said. Out loud. You realized you just revealed your secret. You hoped no one was looking at you, but your friends were. They looked absolutely shocked.

"Eh heh..." You sweat dropped.

"Crap..." You muttered.

------------TIMESKIP :D :D :D----------
"So, you can talk?" Silver asked. You nodded, looking down, embarrassed.

"My kind can talk like humans. Sometimes we can turn into a human like form." you said.

"Wow. With power like that you guys must be the most powerful Pokemon on earth." Yellow said.

"Well, not the most powerful. But we are the only Pokemon race that can change into humans." you said. "We can mimic humans, too."

You started to glow and change shape. You stopped glowing, and you looked exactly like Yellow, except you had green eyes.

"HOLY CRAP!!" Silver jumped, everyone else looking shocked.\

"Y-You look exactly like me!" Yellow said.

"My voice also changes too. Now it sounds like yours, Yellow." You were right. You were basically Yellow with green eyes.

"Wow..." they all said at once, staring at you in shock. You then changed back into a Latias.

"Well, I need to go find my brother. Bye." You said, about to fly off.

"Wait!" Yellow stopped you. "You're still wounded. You can fly again, but you'll most likely collapse half way on the trip back."

You looked at your wounds. You then realized they stung like the Distortion World. (LOL)

"Ow... guess your right." You lied down on a small couch.

"Yellow is right." Nurse Joy said. "You aren't ready to go back yet. Those wounds are to deep, even for Yellow to heal."

"I'll get some bandages." Yellow said. "Silver, Gold, go get some cream I can put on the wounds."

Gold and Silver nodded and went into a room to get the medicine. Yellow left to get some bandages. After they were done bandaging you, you took a rest to let the wounds heal.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pokedex Holders x Shiny! Latias! Reader: Part 1

It was a normal day on Eon Island. You and other Latios and Latias lived there. No one had ever discovered it, though. At least not yet. Anyways, you were playing with you best friend, Lati, near the beach. You and Lati came down here to get away from all the flirty Latios.

"I swear, Toxic will talk to any Latias he runs in to. Except his sister." Lati said, rolling her eyes.

"I know. Lets just ignore him." You said. Toxic and Venom were twins.Venom is a purple colored Latias, and Toxic is a purple colored Latios. Unlike most Latias and Latios, they were Poison/Dragon types.

"At least my brother, Lato, isn't annoying." Lati said, smiling in relief she didn't have an annoying big brother like Venom.

"Yeah." You chuckled. "Me too."

Just then, you brother, a shiny Latios named Dash, flew up to you and Lati.

"Hey, Dash." You greeted him.

"Hi, (Name). Don't stay on the beach to long, the others spotted a human ship coming near the island." he informed.

"Crap crap crap!" you thought out loud. You flew up high and saw a ship heading towards you island.

"I'm going to chase em' off, alright?" You said, flying back down to Lati and Dash.

"What?! No! It's to dangerous, (Name)!" Dash said, his "ears" perking down.

"SCREW YOU, I CAN HANDLE THIS!" you growled loudly. Dash was so over protective. That was the only thing annoying about him. Your personality on the other hand was aggressive and over-confident. You flew off to chase the humans away, only to get a net to the face.

"HELP!" you yelled. You were kinda far from the island, so no one heard you. You crashed down onto the ship, screeching as you felt sharp pain as dust flew from the the impact. You growled weakly, and looked up to see a giant blue Pokemon with giant red scales. Behind it was a young human with long, red hair. He gave the Pokemon orders to attack a big Pokemon that looked somewhat like a shark. A man was giving the shark Pokemon orders. The man wore a yellow anchor necklace along with a blue bandanna and a blue jacket with all sorts of pockets and things.

"Gold, Yellow, free the Latias! I'll take care of Archie!" the boy with red hair called to a boy and a girl. The boy had a cap on, with goggles tied around it. A blonde girl with a straw hat ran over to you with the boy, cutting you free with a small pocket knife. But the pocket knife accidentally cut you, and you roared when the wound stung. the cut wasn't deep, in fact it barely broke through the skin. But this made you think these people were trying to kill you.

"O-Oops! I-I'm sorry!!" the girl said, putting the pocket knife away.

"What did you do?!" the boy with the cap said.

"I accidentally cut the Latias a little... I'm not good with knives..." the blonde girl replied.

"Oh, great." the boy with the cap  face palmed, and sent out a green frog like Pokemon. "Polibo, Water Gun!"

You dodged the attack and hit the ship with and Dragon Pulse. Everyone fell off the boat, crashing into the water. You tried to fly, but then a sharp pain hit your wing. You fell into the water, causing a giant splash.

Yay! A new fanfic :3
Pokemon belongs to Nintendo
Technically I own Dash, Venom, Lato, Toxic, and Lati.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Meet Nova and RedFire

Name: RedFire
Species: Cat
Personality: Calm and Protective
Story: Abandoned from clan when he was a kitten. He grew up alone and trained himself to fight.
Likes: Fish, open spaces, and being alone
Dislikes: Other cats, humans, Dusty, tight spaces, loud noises, hamburgers, clans
Extras: Albino, very good hunter, cannot be effected by poison, very good at dodging attacks, fast, his collar can create magic shields to stop attacks from hitting him

Name: Nova
Species; Wolf
Personality: Short tempered and Tough
Story: She was attacked by Thunder Clan when she was a pup. Thunder Clan then went on to fight her parents at the edge of the territory. Her parents ambushed Thunder Clan once her parents arrived. Nova was with them, and she watched her parents get thrown into the lake and drowned. A Thunder Clan warrior then killed her, but she was somehow revived. She and the remaining pack chased of Thunder Clan and killed off their best warriors.
Likes: Other wolves, deer, rabbit, fighting
Dislikes: MOST cats, humans, fish
Extras: Gets revived when dies, young, has the power to heal the ill


Poke'mon: Haunted Version and Enchanted Version: Introduction


This is all fanmade. I do not own Pokemon mentioned in this story, but I do own Alice. (but no Chibimaker)

"Alice, what are you doing?!" the woman yelled at the young, blonde girl. The girl didn't respond. She stared at the tall woman, with fear in her eyes.

I'm sorry...

"ALICE!!" the woman yelled louder.

It's my fault we're not friends anymore...

The girl looked down at her desk, tears forming in her eyes.

I'm a horrible friend...

"ALICE! YOU LOOK AT ME RIGHT NOW!" the woman yelled even louder.

If I could see you right now, the first thing I would say would be...

"Alice? W-What's wrong?" her best friend, Avah asked.


"I'M SORRY!" Alice yelled, burying her face into her hands. Tears streamed down her face like a river.

"Alice?!" Avah reached her hands out to comfort her, but suddenly a strong wind blew, and everything went white.

Alice looked up and saw her teacher, Avah, and her other classmates backed up against the wall. Alice looked in front of her and saw a red and white creature with a blue triangle on its stomach. It reached its hand out, offering Alice to grab it. Alice reached out and grabbed its hand. Just then, everything went white again.

Alice found herself waking up from bed, stretching and yawning. The same creature lied next to her bed, asleep. Alice's memories of the events that just went by vanished, and replaced with new memories. Memories of her growing up with Pokemon. She got off her bed, waking the Pokemon up.

"Morning, Lati." Alice greeted her friend.

"Hello, master." Lati responded, using telepathy.

"Lati, just call me Alice, alright?" Alice chuckled, patting the Pokemon on the head. Alice seemed a bit younger now, about 9 or 8. Instead of her red jacket with a small picture of a baseball stitched on it, she wore a solid bright blue t-shirt and jeans ripped at the knees. Alice headed down stairs ad found her breakfast sitting on the table.

"Hi, mom" Alice greeted her mother, who was making her sister, Kaita, some breakfast.

"Hello, Alice. Your breakfast is on the table." Her mother said, smiling.

Alice sat down and ate her breakfast, reading a book while eating. She finished and put her plate in the sink, then walked upstairs to get ready for school.