
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pokedex Holders x Shiny! Latias! Reader: Part 1

It was a normal day on Eon Island. You and other Latios and Latias lived there. No one had ever discovered it, though. At least not yet. Anyways, you were playing with you best friend, Lati, near the beach. You and Lati came down here to get away from all the flirty Latios.

"I swear, Toxic will talk to any Latias he runs in to. Except his sister." Lati said, rolling her eyes.

"I know. Lets just ignore him." You said. Toxic and Venom were twins.Venom is a purple colored Latias, and Toxic is a purple colored Latios. Unlike most Latias and Latios, they were Poison/Dragon types.

"At least my brother, Lato, isn't annoying." Lati said, smiling in relief she didn't have an annoying big brother like Venom.

"Yeah." You chuckled. "Me too."

Just then, you brother, a shiny Latios named Dash, flew up to you and Lati.

"Hey, Dash." You greeted him.

"Hi, (Name). Don't stay on the beach to long, the others spotted a human ship coming near the island." he informed.

"Crap crap crap!" you thought out loud. You flew up high and saw a ship heading towards you island.

"I'm going to chase em' off, alright?" You said, flying back down to Lati and Dash.

"What?! No! It's to dangerous, (Name)!" Dash said, his "ears" perking down.

"SCREW YOU, I CAN HANDLE THIS!" you growled loudly. Dash was so over protective. That was the only thing annoying about him. Your personality on the other hand was aggressive and over-confident. You flew off to chase the humans away, only to get a net to the face.

"HELP!" you yelled. You were kinda far from the island, so no one heard you. You crashed down onto the ship, screeching as you felt sharp pain as dust flew from the the impact. You growled weakly, and looked up to see a giant blue Pokemon with giant red scales. Behind it was a young human with long, red hair. He gave the Pokemon orders to attack a big Pokemon that looked somewhat like a shark. A man was giving the shark Pokemon orders. The man wore a yellow anchor necklace along with a blue bandanna and a blue jacket with all sorts of pockets and things.

"Gold, Yellow, free the Latias! I'll take care of Archie!" the boy with red hair called to a boy and a girl. The boy had a cap on, with goggles tied around it. A blonde girl with a straw hat ran over to you with the boy, cutting you free with a small pocket knife. But the pocket knife accidentally cut you, and you roared when the wound stung. the cut wasn't deep, in fact it barely broke through the skin. But this made you think these people were trying to kill you.

"O-Oops! I-I'm sorry!!" the girl said, putting the pocket knife away.

"What did you do?!" the boy with the cap said.

"I accidentally cut the Latias a little... I'm not good with knives..." the blonde girl replied.

"Oh, great." the boy with the cap  face palmed, and sent out a green frog like Pokemon. "Polibo, Water Gun!"

You dodged the attack and hit the ship with and Dragon Pulse. Everyone fell off the boat, crashing into the water. You tried to fly, but then a sharp pain hit your wing. You fell into the water, causing a giant splash.

Yay! A new fanfic :3
Pokemon belongs to Nintendo
Technically I own Dash, Venom, Lato, Toxic, and Lati.

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