
Friday, June 26, 2015

Something I Need



Glilac? Idk. Anyways, yeah. I kind of ship Glow x Lilac :)
And spoilers, Glow does have a mate (he appears later on) And of course
her mate is not Lilac. 
Oh well. I still ship it :3
(and yes Lilac is dead but I don't care)

Btw I don't own the song!

Song- I need by One Republic
Sandy, Glow, Lilac- Me

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Glow of a Dragon THE REMAKE Cover

Yup. I'm remaking Glow of a Dragon. I decided to start the story of when Glow was a cub, and when she was captured by humans. Don't worry, she will meet Ellith later on in the story, except differently. It will be kinda similar to how Hiccup met Toothless, but it won't be exactly like the movie. I'm also not going to spoil how she got those scars on her neck. I'm not going to spoil anything in fact, so your left without a hint of what will happen.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Lapis' Journey Part 1

This is for my sister :) I hope you like it!
"Gr.. I can't... concentrate... Steven.... Leave.... Please..."

"NO! I-"


"No! I won't let Jasper hurt you!"

"Steven, please listen to me..."



-sigh- "I think he woke up... Now I- Gr! I can't... hold her..."

Lapis' eyes shot open.

"Was... Was it all a dream...?" she said, sitting up.

She looked around, and saw beach umbrellas and seagulls.

"I'm on a beach... How did I get here?"

Lapis turned around and gasped at the sight of a giant city. She stared at the giant buildings and small cars driving past them. Lapis looked down at her hands, and saw that the now broken water chains she used to stop Jasper from getting to the surface were still there. Tears formed in her eyes. She buried her face into her legs and started sobbing.

"Now Jasper is after Steven... What will I do now?" she sobbed.

Lapis sat there, sobbing for hours. But suddenly, she heard barking. And then yelling. She looked behind her and saw a little girl chasing a big white dog.

"Chase! Get back here!" the little girl yelled.

Lapis thought she needed help, so she formed a wall, blocking the dog before it ran any further. The little girl stopped and gasped at the huge wall of water. Lapis made the wall fall down and splash onto the dog and the girl. The little girl turned around and saw Lapis.

"Did you do that?" the girl asked.

Lapis looked at her and nodded.

"That was so cool! How did you do that?" the girl said excitedly, running over to Lapis.

The dog barked and wagged his tail. He started to sniff Lapis'

"Thanks for stopping my dog. He was running away and I couldn't catch him." the little girl smiled and patted her dog gently on the head.

"Um.. you're welcome, I guess?" Lapis replied.

"Oh by the way, I'm Lily." the girl said happily. "This is my dog, Chase."

"Hi, I'm Lapis Lazuli. Nice to meet you, Lily." Lapis smiled softly.

"You look sad. Were you crying?" -Lily

"-sigh- Yes, yes I was..." -Lapis

"Why?" -Lily

"I tried to protect a friend, but I failed..." -Lapis

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lapis..." -Lily

"..." -Lapis

"Are you lost? You can come to my house!" -Lily

"What's a house?" - Lapis

"Well, it's kinda like your home. You live in it." - Lily

"Is it big?" -Lapis

"It can be big, but mine is a little small." -Lily

"If it's small, how do you fit in it..?" -Lapis

"It's big enough to have mommy, daddy, and a daughter in it. And a dog" -Lily

"But what if the house can't fit everyone? Or what if it gets attacked?" -Lapis

"Well... If something happens to the house, you can move to a new one!" -Lily

"Are there other houses?" -Lapis

"Of course! Wow, you ask a lot of questions. Are you an alien?" -Lily

"No, i'm a gem." -Lapis

"A gem? But gems are rocks, not people!" -Lily

"Well, i'm not a what you call a 'people', Lily." -Lapis

"Oh. I guess you're an alien, then. Anyways, wanna come to my house?" -Lily

"Well, I guess. I have no where else to go." -Lapis

"Yay! I can't wait for you to meet my mommy and daddy!"

Lapis followed the brown haired girl along with her dog. Lapis knew she could trust Lily. But she still wondered, what happened to Jasper and Steven?

This is what my sister I want to happen in future episode.

idk what i'm doin with mah life



Lapis- Rebecca Sugar

Lily, Chase- MEEEEEEE


This is from a Steven Universe episode

Lapis-Rebecca Sugar

For The-Amazing-Kay

This is for my sister, The-Amazing-Kay. (I'm not going to reveal her real name, but she goes by Kaita I think) I hope you like it, sis! :)


Oh crap.. I think I messed up her arm D:

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Me laughing like a choking hyena

So my sister did this weird laugh, and I tried to mimic her and I made this exact sound. Don't do this at home, kids. You may choke and die. (Just kidding XD)

Happy (Late) Birthday, Erich!

This is a late (I think) birthday present for freakness96 on Deviantart!

If you ever see this, I hope you like it! ~Foxtails


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Silver Sky the Lugia

This is Silver Sky. He and Allison will be apart of a comic I plan on doing in the future.

Allison the Latias

YAY!  I can post pictures now! I drew this on the computer so that's why it isn't very good, but this is my character! Allison is my real name and this is me as a Poke'mon. I hope you like it :3

Sunday, June 7, 2015

School Of Dragons: Alice and Flash Part 1

Okay guys, sorry for not updating. I'm working on Glow of a Dragon Ch.4, but for now i'm making a story of my SoD character. Her name is Alice Flare, and her dragons are a purple Zippleback with a white under belly and green spots, and a red Flightmare with a white under belly and black markings.

(Btw this takes place in httyd 1 and 2)



Dragons. The main enemy of Berk. They'd destroy crops and steal food and sheep. But my experience with a dragon up close was different.

I had never gotten very close to a dragon, so I don't exactly know what most of them look like. I've seen a Nadder, but that's it. But now I can see all sorts of dragons, because tomorrow I would go to dragon training. I would learn how to fight a dragon and everything.

As I went to bed that night, I heard a strange noise. I went downstairs and to my surprise, my parents weren't home. I went outside and decided to look for them. Just as I walked through the door, I heard rustling in the bushes I turned around and for a split second I saw a figure run into the woods. I decided to follow it. As I got deeper into the forest, I heard growling. I had came across a dead end, so I turned around to head back home. But before I could take another step, something had tackled me to the ground. I looked up and saw a dragon charging at me! I couldn't tell what it was, but it's roar was so familiar. But it's roar was the least of my worries. I flinched and closed my eyes, waiting for it to be over with. But nothing happened. That's when I heard a blast of fire. I opened my eyes and saw the dragon fighting what looked like a Flightmare! The dragon shot back at the Flightmare, backing up towards me. It turned around and saw me, ignoring the Flightmare for a second. It swiped at me and scratched my eye, causing my vision to go blurry. After at least 5 seconds, I opened my other eye and saw the Flightmare shooting the dragon in the stomach. The dragon ran away into the forest, vanishing into the woods. The Flightmare turned around and saw me, walking towards me. It sniffed my face and looked at my wound. I heard voices coming towards us, causing the Flightmare to dash off into the woods. I got up, covering my wound. My parents were running towards me, of course worried looks on their faces.

"Alice! Are you okay?!" my mom yelled.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I muttered under my breath.
After a couple of days, I went into the forest again and found the Flightmare once more. He aloud me to pet him, He grew attached to me very quickly somehow, and I kept visiting him everyday. He seemed to be over a year old, so he was pretty young. I managed to keep him a secret, even when we befriended the dragons. I was glad we had made peace with the dragons, but I still had to keep the Flightmare a secret. I named the Flightmare Flash, because he would flash blue based on his emotions. I had to keep Flash a secret because he was a very feared dragon. Everyone believed that Flightmares couldn't be trained. And no, they couldn't. But Flash was trained when he was younger, so he was easier to train. I still don't know why he protected me from that dragon a year ago (which turned out to be Hiccup's Night Fury, Toothless), but it didn't matter now. Flash and I were best buddies.

Oh, and you probably wonder what happened to my eye. Well, i'm blind in that eye now so there.
----4 year time skip---------------------------------------------------------
Things had changed on Berk. I'm now 16, and Flash has still been kept a secret. Hiccup's dad is dead, so now Hiccup is chief and Toothless is the Alpha dragon. I now have another dragon. It's a female Zippleback named Munch and Crunch. Why that name? I dunno, it rhymed. I was a pretty good racer, and I even beat Toothless one time in a race. But all happiness ended when Flash was finally discovered by Hiccup

"FLASH, STOP!!" I yelled, trying to stop Flash from attacking a Monstrous Nightmare.

Flash turned around and looked at me as the Monstrous Nightmare flew away. The whole village stood in shock, looking at Flash.

"Please, don't hurt him!" I cried.

Just then, ropes were thrown at Flash. The rope tied around his leg, causing him to fall over.

"Get the Flightmare to the ships, we'll relocate it the a new area." Hiccup said.

"No! He's not dangerous, I swear!" I ran over to Flash and got the rope off of his leg.

"Alice! Get away from that thing!" my father yelled.

"No! He's my best friend! I'm not leaving him!" I yelled back.

My mother grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Flash. I tried to get her to let go, but her hand wouldn't budge.

"I'll bet that is the dragon that caused you to have a blind eye!" she said, pulling me away from Flash.

I broke free from her grip and gained my balance back.

"It wasn't Flash! It was Toothless who caused me to have a blind eye!" I yelled, causing everyone to give me a shocked look.

"Before Toothless was shot down by Hiccup, he attacked me in the woods! Flash came to rescue me and he scared Toothless off!" Hiccup glanced at Toothless, but looked back at me.

"That was before I trained Toothless. Your Flightmare is much more dangerous." he said.

"Oh, so your saying a Flightmare has a better chance of killing someone than a Night Fury?!" I replied back. "Night Furies could kill someone in seconds! A Flightmare would at least have to try to kill someone!"

The look everyone was giving me meant that they still didn't understand. I looked at them in disbelief. How could anyone be so blind?

"I can't believe all of you!" I cried. I hopped onto Flash and took off.

I could hear them calling me to come back, but I ignored them and told Flash to speed up. He listened and zoomed into the clouds, causing us to be out of sight. All I hoped is that we could return to Berk with everyone understanding that Flash ins't dangerous.




Hiccup, Toothless- Dreamworks
Flash, Alice- MEEE :D