
Friday, June 19, 2015

Lapis' Journey Part 1

This is for my sister :) I hope you like it!
"Gr.. I can't... concentrate... Steven.... Leave.... Please..."

"NO! I-"


"No! I won't let Jasper hurt you!"

"Steven, please listen to me..."



-sigh- "I think he woke up... Now I- Gr! I can't... hold her..."

Lapis' eyes shot open.

"Was... Was it all a dream...?" she said, sitting up.

She looked around, and saw beach umbrellas and seagulls.

"I'm on a beach... How did I get here?"

Lapis turned around and gasped at the sight of a giant city. She stared at the giant buildings and small cars driving past them. Lapis looked down at her hands, and saw that the now broken water chains she used to stop Jasper from getting to the surface were still there. Tears formed in her eyes. She buried her face into her legs and started sobbing.

"Now Jasper is after Steven... What will I do now?" she sobbed.

Lapis sat there, sobbing for hours. But suddenly, she heard barking. And then yelling. She looked behind her and saw a little girl chasing a big white dog.

"Chase! Get back here!" the little girl yelled.

Lapis thought she needed help, so she formed a wall, blocking the dog before it ran any further. The little girl stopped and gasped at the huge wall of water. Lapis made the wall fall down and splash onto the dog and the girl. The little girl turned around and saw Lapis.

"Did you do that?" the girl asked.

Lapis looked at her and nodded.

"That was so cool! How did you do that?" the girl said excitedly, running over to Lapis.

The dog barked and wagged his tail. He started to sniff Lapis'

"Thanks for stopping my dog. He was running away and I couldn't catch him." the little girl smiled and patted her dog gently on the head.

"Um.. you're welcome, I guess?" Lapis replied.

"Oh by the way, I'm Lily." the girl said happily. "This is my dog, Chase."

"Hi, I'm Lapis Lazuli. Nice to meet you, Lily." Lapis smiled softly.

"You look sad. Were you crying?" -Lily

"-sigh- Yes, yes I was..." -Lapis

"Why?" -Lily

"I tried to protect a friend, but I failed..." -Lapis

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lapis..." -Lily

"..." -Lapis

"Are you lost? You can come to my house!" -Lily

"What's a house?" - Lapis

"Well, it's kinda like your home. You live in it." - Lily

"Is it big?" -Lapis

"It can be big, but mine is a little small." -Lily

"If it's small, how do you fit in it..?" -Lapis

"It's big enough to have mommy, daddy, and a daughter in it. And a dog" -Lily

"But what if the house can't fit everyone? Or what if it gets attacked?" -Lapis

"Well... If something happens to the house, you can move to a new one!" -Lily

"Are there other houses?" -Lapis

"Of course! Wow, you ask a lot of questions. Are you an alien?" -Lily

"No, i'm a gem." -Lapis

"A gem? But gems are rocks, not people!" -Lily

"Well, i'm not a what you call a 'people', Lily." -Lapis

"Oh. I guess you're an alien, then. Anyways, wanna come to my house?" -Lily

"Well, I guess. I have no where else to go." -Lapis

"Yay! I can't wait for you to meet my mommy and daddy!"

Lapis followed the brown haired girl along with her dog. Lapis knew she could trust Lily. But she still wondered, what happened to Jasper and Steven?

This is what my sister I want to happen in future episode.

idk what i'm doin with mah life



Lapis- Rebecca Sugar

Lily, Chase- MEEEEEEE

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