
Saturday, August 15, 2015


Honestly Peridot, Lapis, and Amethyst have to be my favorite characters. But for some reason I think Peridot is more mysterious than both Lapis and Amethyst. I mean, we know that Lapis got trapped in a mirror and Amethyst was a kindergarten gem, but we don't really know a lot about Peridot. Though there have been a few hints of her backstory and signs of her being redeemed. One is that in the episode "The Return", when Jasper pulls out her gem destabilizer, Peridot backs away terrified. This could hint that she is scared of gem destablizers and will only use them if she really needs to. And also a crew member said "Pretty quick to judge poor Peridot.". Does this mean Peridot will be redeemed, or is it another hint to her backstory? While I do hope she will redeemed, I assume that she will either be bubbled, smashed, escape back to homeworld, or become corrupted. Or she might become that one annoying villain that shows up at random times XD which is extremely possible. But anyways, I want to get on to the theories of her being half robot.

-She probably lost her arms and legs in battle or something like that and couldn't regenerate them back, which is what everyone assumes.

-She might not be able to shape shift because she is half robot. I dunno, that's probably the case.

-What if she can't summon her weapon because her gem is somewhat broken? I mean yeah she does have that arm cannon, but her gem doesn't glow like the others when she "summons" it.

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