
Sunday, August 2, 2015

School of Dragons: Alice and Flash

Remember Alice and Flash? Don't think I'll just forget about them. I changed up there story because the old version seemed a dramatic. But anyways, enjoy!
A year had passed after Hiccup became chief of Berk. He had married Astrid, and Toothless was now the alpha. Everything seemed fine until a new danger came to Berk. While flying on his dragon, a dragon trainer had spotted a wild Flightmare resting on a far part of the island. No one understood why it was here, because the glowing algae stream had been cut off towards the ocean. The Flightmare appeared to be very young, probably about a year old or so. No one knew how to get if off Berk, and everyone said it was to dangerous to try and train it. But a certain viking thought otherwise...

"It should be here..." Alice whispered, walking over to the opening where the Flightmare was last spotted. She walked out into the opening, seeing no sign of the dragon.

"Huh, I wonder where it-" Alice was cut off when she heard a loud screech. She assumed it was the Flightmare, but it sounded more like a cry for help. Heck, to her it wasn't even loud enough to make someone's ear bleed. It was loud, but it wasn't loud enough to make her have to cover her ears. The blonde ran in the directing of the screech, hoping to find the injured dragon. Soon she finally ran into the creature. In front of her was a red Flightmare, with black markings on it's wings and horn. It had a white underbelly and a long skinny tail that was forked at the end. It's left wing was injured with a big gash across the wing muscle. It didn't cut the wing itself, but the dragon couldn't move it without experiencing harsh and stinging pain. Alice thought it would shoot at her at sight, but it just lifted its head and glared at her. Alice walked slowly over to it, without trying to look like a threat. The dragon growled slightly as she came closer, but stopped once she had approached it. The dragon was injured, but it didn't look to upset about its wing, it looked like it was sick. Alice showed the dragon her hand, seeing if he would accept her. The dragon pressed its snout against her hand, closing his eyes so Alice knew that she had gained his trust.

"Hey there, little fella." Alice said softly. She smiled a little, reassuring the dragon that she meant no harm. She took a closer look at his wing, looking at the big gash in it. The wound wouldn't leave a scar when healed, but the dragon couldn't get up without moving its wing, which would cause extreme pain. She touched the wing gently, but the dragon felt a small wince of pain, causing him to growl loudly at her. She moved her hand from the wound and tried to see how she could treat it without hurting the dragon. She also noticed that some spots on the back were a lighter red, some even looked completely pale.

"Are you sick?" she asked looking at the pale spots. "I need to tell the chief about this..."

She left some fish for the dragon to eat before she left to tell Hiccup. When she got back to Berk, she informed Hiccup about the sick Flightmare. Hiccup was a little mad that she went out there all by herself to find a said to be viscous dragon, but he was relieved to hear that she was able to gain its trust. When Alice showed him and the other dragon riders the Flightmare, Fishlegs explained that by sending the glowing algae stream to the ocean, the glowing algae sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The Flightmares couldn't get to it, which was wiping out the Flightmares one by one.

"So this Flightmare could be the last of his kind?" Alice asked, calming down the Flightmare after its little outburst of rage after meeting the dragon riders.

"I'd assume so if these dragons are disappearing so quickly...." Fishlegs said, writing this all down in his small journal.

"Well then we have to stop the stream from flowing into the ocean!" Alice said, getting out her dragon whistle so she could call her Zippleback, Crunch and Munch.

"Alice, wait!" Hiccup said, stopping her from blowing the whistle. "We need to think of what could happen if we do make the stream flow towards Berk!"

"But this Flightmare and his friends could die!" Alice snapped. "We could wipe out an entire species of dragon!"

Hiccup did feel bad for almost wiping out a species of dragon. After some agreeing with the other dragon riders, they decided to let the algae stream flow towards berk.

---6 hours later----

Hiccup tried to make the stream go away from Berk as far as possible. Once Meatlug finished the stream, Fishlegs studied more about the Flightmare. While most Flightmares were a silver color, this certain Flightmare was a bright red. Fishlegs couldn't figure out why, though.

Alice patched up the Flightmare's wing and fed it glowing algae. She named him Flash, because he would let out glowing cloud that would fade away, and then he would let out the cloud again, and this cycle would continue.

Another whole year had passed, and Alice had fully trained Flash. Flash was a loyal dragon, but he was goofy at times. Alice and Flash raced other dragon riders, but usually didn't win. But that didn't bother them, because they had plenty of fun flying around Berk. Because of Alice's excellent dragon training skills, she was invited to become a student at the School of Dragons. A new island was discovered, and she met new friends and faced old enemies. She saved the island from Beserkers, and even befriended a Groncicle she named Snowshoe. She even found a Flightmare egg, which hatched into a Flightmare named Lily. Flash had accepted the baby Flightmare as his little sister. A few months later Alice became friendly rivals with a dragon rider named Ellith, who trained a Deadly Nadder named Nether. Flash and Alice also joined the Berk watch, and scared off Outcasts. She also became an excellent fisher. Flash never found a mate, but that didn't mean that Alice and Flash would stop looking so they could revive the Flightmare species. No other Flightmares came to Berk after Lily and Flash, but everyone still had faith that one day they would track down another Flightmare

To be continued....
That's right, peeps! This story isn't over yet! I might make a sequel to where Alice is 18, and she discovers Drago and his Beweilderbeast had gone into hiding, planning there next attack on Berk. But let me tell you right now, Alice won't get out of this without gaining a scar that could change her life forever....

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