
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Glow of a Dragon Chapter 1

I DO NOT AND I MEAN NOT OWN NIGHT FURY MAKER! Credit to who ever made Night Fury Maker, oh by the way I made this on Doll Divine and saw Night Fury Maker. I also saw a Night Fury Maker creation on the SoD forums so it must be okay. Glow belongs to me, but the base of the Night Fury does not.

Life on Berk isn't easy. Fun, yes. But sometimes are pets bring trouble. Most people have dogs or cats, but we have...


I have never had a dragon before. But someday I will. But for now, I like to watch the dragons and their riders fly in races.


"Ellith! Wake up!" Astrid called, knocking on the door. "Today is the day you get your dragon!"

Once I heard those words, my eyes shot open and I leaped out of bed.

"Coming!" I yelled. I got dressed and ran down stairs.

"Honey, don't forget breakfast!" my mother called.

"Sorry mom, I'm not hungry!" I responded, running out the door.

"Hi Ms. Astrid!" I greeted Astrid cheerfully while closing the door.

"Hi Ellith! Good thing your awake. We need your help, the sheep got lose again." she said, patting her dragon, Stormfly, on the nose.

"Do I get to train a dragon and help?" I asked, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Yes, and I think I know the dragon that is perfect for you. Meet me at the Great Hall." she said, hopping onto Stormfly and flying off.

I was extremely eager to begin training dragons. I knew exactly what dragon I wanted to train. And that dragon is a Sand Wraith. They look similar to Night Furies, and they are extremely fast. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the Great Hall. This was going to be epic! I wouldn't get picked on anymore by the dragon trainers my age, I would have the coolest dragon on Berk! Once I reached the Great Hall, excitement filled me as I opened the doors...

...Inside, stood a giant Deadly Nadder.

My mouth dropped wide open. The last dragon I expected to choose was a Deadly Nadder! My parents told me I couldn't have a Deadly Nadder, but there one was, standing right in front of me! How did I know this was my dragon? I could tell because of the look in it's eyes. People told me I had a special gift in me to tell what a dragon was feeling just by looking it in the eyes. This dragon's eyes were filled with excitement. It could tell I was it's trainer.

"Ellith, let me introduce to you Thunder." Astrid said, walking up me.

"Wow, I didn't expect to have a Nadder chosen to be my dragon!" I said, gently patting Thunder on the nose. Thunder had scarlet red horns and claws. So were the stripes on his tail. The tip of his wings were a crimson red. He had big yellow eyes and a bright red under belly. His main coat of scales were a turquoise color. I held my hand out and he pressed his snout against it gently. I couldn't believe it. I finally had my own dragon!

"Okay, because you've been reading about dragons a lot, I assume you know how to ride a Nadder?" Astrid asked.

"Yup!" I answered cheerfully. "I only need a saddle, I heard it makes it more comfortable while riding the dragon."

"Already did and done" a voice said behind us.

I turned around and saw Gobber the Belch. He was carrying a big Nadder saddle. He placed on the ground in front of me and Thunder.

"It might take a while to get the saddle on, but it's comfortable for ye and Thunder." He said.

I couldn't believe it. I was on my way to becoming a dragon trainer.

The saddle wasn't really hard to put on, and it was very easy flying Thunder around. Thunder was also very obedient. When I told him to stay, he stayed. You may be wondering about the sheep, too. Thunder and I were able to get them into their pen with ease. Me and Thunder were becoming best friends.

How did my parents feel about this, you ask? I just simply told them I got a Sand Wraith and kept Thunder a secret from them. Astrid helped too by hiding Thunder in the stables. But my parents really wanted to see my dragon, so they started watching me to get a glimpse at least of my dragon...

"ELLITH! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING, NOW!" my father yelled, running towards me and Thunder.

Thunder roared at him and tried shooting fire at him, but I told him to stop. Thunder listened, but when my mother tried to pull me away from him, he started panicking and shooting fire again. Everyone saw the fight, and Thunder had almost set the whole village on fire.

"THUNDER! STOP!" I yelled. But he didn't hear me, he was too busy trying to protect me from the villagers.

Suddenly ropes were thrown at him and he got tied down. The other dragons tried to stop him, but he was struggling to break free from the ropes.

"Toothless, get her out of here!" Hiccup said.

Toothless ran over to me and I got on.

"What about Thunder?!" I called. But Hiccup didn't respond. I just spread out Toothless' tail and took off, hoping Thunder would be okay.
It had seemed like hours after Toothless and I flew off. We had found a small island and rested there. Little did I know, that island would be the place I met my new friend...

Toothless was extremely tired so we rested there. I started a fire, and we slept there for the night. But later that night, I woke up to hear a strange sound. Toothless woke up too, so we both head off into the forest to see what it was. I didn't realize how long we'd been walking, and Toothless got seperated from me. I was all alone, and I had no idea where I was. After a while I stopped to take a rest. I was freezing and cold. I swear it almost started to snow. But before I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I heard the noise I heard at camp. It sounded like Toothless, so I got up and ran towards the sound. I found myself in an opening, filled with blue and white flowers. I called for Toothless, but he didn't come. But before I could turn around, I saw a Night Fury charging at me. I thought it was Toothless for a second, but this Night Fury's scales were a snowy white, and it had big yellow eyes. I tried to run, but I tripped and scraped my knee badly. I turned around and saw blood flowing from my leg. I looked up and saw that the Night Fury had slowed down and was now slowly walking towards me. I was completely terrified at seeing the Night Fury face to face. It looked at my bleeding leg and started sniffing it. It looked at me, and its pupils were wider now, which meant it was calmed down now. It walked off into the woods and left me sitting there. I didn't know what to do, but luckily Toothless found me again. Toothless tried to help me up, but then the Night Fury came back with leaves in its mouth. It saw Toothless and dropped the leaves on the ground. It charged at Toothless, roaring and preparing to shoot. Toothless charged back and dodged the fire, and now the Night Furies were fighting. I got up and ran over to them, stopping the fight. The Night Furies stood there staring and growling at each other.

"You two, calm down! We're all friends here!" I said. But pain then hit my leg and I fell backwards. The pain was too much, and my vision was all blurry. I had gone unconscious from how bad my leg had hurt.

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