
Monday, May 25, 2015

Glow of a Dragon Chapter 3

I decided to name the Night Fury Glow. Why? Whenever she was stressed, excited, or angry, she would glow a little bit. Glow kept on coming to my house everyday. I don't know if she trusted me or knew how much the death of Thunder hurt me. I think she just came just to cheer me up. But one day everything changed.

It was a sunny day, and everything seemed perfect. I searched for Glow to see what she was doing. I went over to her favorite tree she would always sleep under. But once I got there, Glow wasn't there.

"Where is she?" I said. I turned around to see if she was there, but she still wasn't there! Where could that sneaky dragon could've gone?

I ran off to the docks to see if she was hunting, but instead I spotted her on a boat, all chained up.

"GLOW!!" I yelled, diving into the water. The boat wasn't far, so I managed to reach it in time. I tried to climb up a rope dangling from the boat. Luckily I was able to make it up without falling. Glow saw me and started glowing with excitement. I could tell she wanted to get out of the chains.

"Glow, we have to get out of here." I said, running towards her.

But before I could pull the chains off Glow, I saw someone coming. I hid under Glow's wing to stay hidden. I stayed there for the rest of the trip, just in case they came back. Once the boat landed, the chains were pulled of Glow and we jumped out the boat together. We ran into some nearby woods so that person couldn't see us.

"Glow, where are we?!" I asked.

The only respond I got was a roar. Not from Glow, but from something in the distance. We both ran towards where the noise came from. Expect the unexpected because what we found was unbelievable.

It was a whole pack of Night Furies.

They all had black and white markings, they almost looked like skeletons. I got out my field and started to write down what they looked like. I got up and turned around to see if I could get a better look at them. But I noticed Glow was gone.

"Glow?" I whispered."Where are you?"

I heard another roar. I could tell it was from Glow this time. I ran out of the bushes and saw Glow fighting off one of the Night Furies.

"Glow! Stop!" I yelled.

Glow looked at me and listened to me. But then the Night Fury shot a plasma blast at her, causing her fall over. She got up again and started to fight the Night Fury again. I tried to think of something, and I had an idea. Of course I had my bag with me, I took it everywhere I go. I grabbed out a fish and held it out to the Night Fury. It stopped attacking Glow and walked over to me. I held out my other hand to Glow just in case she attacked. The Night Fury had red eyes with a stripe going across it's side. It's full tail was white, and half of his wings were white and the other half was black. He had white markings on his legs and a white dot on his eye. I held out the fish to him. He sniffed it and then grabbed it out of my hand. He then took off afterwards.

"Glow, we should probably leave." I said. I didn't want her to get into another fight. We headed off into the woods so we wouldn't get spotted by another Night Fury.

"Good thing we stopped that Night Fury." I said. "We could have lured in the whole pack!"

Glow perked her ears up and looked around, with her pupils narrowed.

"Glow, what's wrong?" I asked.

Glow looked at me for a moment and then ran off through the forest again.

"Glow! Wait up! Where are you going!" I said, running off to follow her.




lol sorry


okay, that was the Skeleton Night Fury pack. They're a group of Night Furies with black and white markings. And that Night Fury Glow was fighting was Skull. He'll be introduced in later chapters.

Glow, Ellith, Skull, random person who kidnapped Glow- Me

Night Fury- Dreamworks

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