
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Glow of a Dragon Chapter 2

Once I finally woke up, I found myself in my room. I assumed it was just a dream, so I got up and went downstairs.

Just as I expected.

My parents weren't home. They usually leave before I wake up to go to the market. But everything seemed too quiet...

I walked outside, and saw the thing that you would wish is a dream.

Everyone was gathered around a giant Nadder with red spikes and blue scales. I knew this Nadder. It was Thunder. He laid lifelessly on the ground, with a big gash across his throat. I ran over to him and fell down onto my knees next to him. I looked at him, hoping it wasn't true. But he wasn't breathing, and he wouldn't open his eyes... I had to face it. My dragon was dead.

I had cried for 30 minutes, my face covered by my arms while leaning onto Thunder's body.

"It had to be done, Ellith..." My mother sat down next to me. "He was going to destroy the village, and he almost killed five people..."

I barely even listened to her. I could have calmed him down! He was my dragon,
 we had been through a lot together in such little time. But I thought about it, and I knew he had gotten way to angry to handle or even get close to. Still, the thought didn't fight back the tears. Thunder was gone, and I couldn't do anything about it.

A couple days after Thunder's death, I started to think about that Night Fury I met back on the island. I knew I had nothing else to think about, anyways. I wondered, did she follow us back to Berk? Did she run off? Is she waiting for me to return? So many questions struck in my head. That's when I heard screaming from outside. I ran downstairs and out the door to see what was going on.

"NIGHT FURY!" a viking yelled. "GET DOWN!"

"Huh? But the only Night Fury is Toothless..." I said to myself. But when I looked up, I saw a white blur fly right above my head. All the dragons were shooting at it, but it dodged the attacks with ease.

It was the Night Fury that I met on the island! It had landed in front of my house now, still fighting off the dragons. It saw me and ran over to me. I was scared at first, but I saw that it meant no harm. It started sniffing my leg that I injured back at the island. I hadn't even noticed it until now. It was bandaged, and it was still bloody. The Night Fury looked back up at me and tilted it's head. If this Night Fury was so concerned about my wound, did this mean she trusted humans? Did she have a rider? I held my hand out, and she let me pet her head. Apparently she did trust humans, because a wild dragon wouldn't let you pet them like that. Especially a wild Night Fury. I looked up and saw that all the dragons had calmed down. Everyone in the village was now looking at the Night Fury in shock.

"What is going on here?" a voice said. I turned around and saw Chief Hiccup and Toothless.

The Night Fury turned around and started growling at Toothless. Toothless growled back, but they both stopped after remembering each other.

"Toothless, do you know this Night Fury?" Hiccup asked. Toothless grunted saying "yes".

"How in Thor's name did you manage to tame a Night Fury?!" a viking in the crowd said.

"I don't know. I don't even know if she considers me as her rider!" I said. Everyone crowded around the Night Fury, which as you may figure, was a bad idea.

She shot out a yellow plasma blast, causing everyone to back off in fear. She started hissing at the crowd.

"Hey, calm down!" I said, holding my hand out to stop her. She stopped and sat down, with a very not amused face on.

Hiccup walked over to me and started petting the Night Fury. Yup, it was obvious she trusted humans.

"I can't believe you actually found a Night Fury!" Hiccup said. "Maybe we could find a whole pack of Night Furies now!"

"I'm not sure," I said. "It seems like she has been tamed. She may not remember where her family is."

I hoped she knew where other Night Furies lived. This would mean that we could find Toothless' family! But what if the Night Fury doesn't know where other Night Furies live? What if she and Toothless are the last of their kind...?

FINALLY DONE! :D I'm sorry, it took me forever to decide what would happen in this chapter XD
Also, i'm going to post a voting pole where you can decide what kind of character should come next :3

Toothless, Hiccup, etc- Dreamworks

Glow, Ellith, Thunder, Ellith's parents- Me

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