
Monday, August 31, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Soul the Robot Absol

Meet Soul, one of the villains from my upcoming story. She is not half robot or anything like that, she is a full robot. Well, incomplete. She was made by a scientist who wanted do bring his dead Absol back to life by turning her into a robot. Many trainers had heard of this, so they could bring their deceased Poke'mon there as well. But the project failed, and all the robot Poke'mon escaped. The scientist was killed by Soul when he tried to stop her from leaving.

Here's a brief bio of Robot Poke'mon:
Robot Poke'mon have powers like all Poke'mon, but most moves look different when used. For example, Shadow Ball looks like a shadowy ball of electricity. This doesn't make it an electric type move, though. Robot Poke'mon look like normal Poke'mon, but have robotic limbs attached to their body.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

How Halfwing Lost his Wing

That's basically what happened.

Crap I made his loose the wrong wing
I'll fix it when I'm not lazy

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Honestly Peridot, Lapis, and Amethyst have to be my favorite characters. But for some reason I think Peridot is more mysterious than both Lapis and Amethyst. I mean, we know that Lapis got trapped in a mirror and Amethyst was a kindergarten gem, but we don't really know a lot about Peridot. Though there have been a few hints of her backstory and signs of her being redeemed. One is that in the episode "The Return", when Jasper pulls out her gem destabilizer, Peridot backs away terrified. This could hint that she is scared of gem destablizers and will only use them if she really needs to. And also a crew member said "Pretty quick to judge poor Peridot.". Does this mean Peridot will be redeemed, or is it another hint to her backstory? While I do hope she will redeemed, I assume that she will either be bubbled, smashed, escape back to homeworld, or become corrupted. Or she might become that one annoying villain that shows up at random times XD which is extremely possible. But anyways, I want to get on to the theories of her being half robot.

-She probably lost her arms and legs in battle or something like that and couldn't regenerate them back, which is what everyone assumes.

-She might not be able to shape shift because she is half robot. I dunno, that's probably the case.

-What if she can't summon her weapon because her gem is somewhat broken? I mean yeah she does have that arm cannon, but her gem doesn't glow like the others when she "summons" it.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Favorite Steven Universe Characters


These are my favorite Steven Universe characters :3 I like all of the characters, but these are just some of my favorites :D
Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot- Rebecca Sugar
Art- Me

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I will keep fighting

I haven't worked on Glow of a Dragon in a while. I need to work on it.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lapis Lazuli



it's a catchy song

Lapis- Rebecca Sugar

Art- Me



Peridot- Rebecca Sugar

Art- Me

Sunday, August 2, 2015

School of Dragons: Alice and Flash

Remember Alice and Flash? Don't think I'll just forget about them. I changed up there story because the old version seemed a dramatic. But anyways, enjoy!
A year had passed after Hiccup became chief of Berk. He had married Astrid, and Toothless was now the alpha. Everything seemed fine until a new danger came to Berk. While flying on his dragon, a dragon trainer had spotted a wild Flightmare resting on a far part of the island. No one understood why it was here, because the glowing algae stream had been cut off towards the ocean. The Flightmare appeared to be very young, probably about a year old or so. No one knew how to get if off Berk, and everyone said it was to dangerous to try and train it. But a certain viking thought otherwise...

"It should be here..." Alice whispered, walking over to the opening where the Flightmare was last spotted. She walked out into the opening, seeing no sign of the dragon.

"Huh, I wonder where it-" Alice was cut off when she heard a loud screech. She assumed it was the Flightmare, but it sounded more like a cry for help. Heck, to her it wasn't even loud enough to make someone's ear bleed. It was loud, but it wasn't loud enough to make her have to cover her ears. The blonde ran in the directing of the screech, hoping to find the injured dragon. Soon she finally ran into the creature. In front of her was a red Flightmare, with black markings on it's wings and horn. It had a white underbelly and a long skinny tail that was forked at the end. It's left wing was injured with a big gash across the wing muscle. It didn't cut the wing itself, but the dragon couldn't move it without experiencing harsh and stinging pain. Alice thought it would shoot at her at sight, but it just lifted its head and glared at her. Alice walked slowly over to it, without trying to look like a threat. The dragon growled slightly as she came closer, but stopped once she had approached it. The dragon was injured, but it didn't look to upset about its wing, it looked like it was sick. Alice showed the dragon her hand, seeing if he would accept her. The dragon pressed its snout against her hand, closing his eyes so Alice knew that she had gained his trust.

"Hey there, little fella." Alice said softly. She smiled a little, reassuring the dragon that she meant no harm. She took a closer look at his wing, looking at the big gash in it. The wound wouldn't leave a scar when healed, but the dragon couldn't get up without moving its wing, which would cause extreme pain. She touched the wing gently, but the dragon felt a small wince of pain, causing him to growl loudly at her. She moved her hand from the wound and tried to see how she could treat it without hurting the dragon. She also noticed that some spots on the back were a lighter red, some even looked completely pale.

"Are you sick?" she asked looking at the pale spots. "I need to tell the chief about this..."

She left some fish for the dragon to eat before she left to tell Hiccup. When she got back to Berk, she informed Hiccup about the sick Flightmare. Hiccup was a little mad that she went out there all by herself to find a said to be viscous dragon, but he was relieved to hear that she was able to gain its trust. When Alice showed him and the other dragon riders the Flightmare, Fishlegs explained that by sending the glowing algae stream to the ocean, the glowing algae sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The Flightmares couldn't get to it, which was wiping out the Flightmares one by one.

"So this Flightmare could be the last of his kind?" Alice asked, calming down the Flightmare after its little outburst of rage after meeting the dragon riders.

"I'd assume so if these dragons are disappearing so quickly...." Fishlegs said, writing this all down in his small journal.

"Well then we have to stop the stream from flowing into the ocean!" Alice said, getting out her dragon whistle so she could call her Zippleback, Crunch and Munch.

"Alice, wait!" Hiccup said, stopping her from blowing the whistle. "We need to think of what could happen if we do make the stream flow towards Berk!"

"But this Flightmare and his friends could die!" Alice snapped. "We could wipe out an entire species of dragon!"

Hiccup did feel bad for almost wiping out a species of dragon. After some agreeing with the other dragon riders, they decided to let the algae stream flow towards berk.

---6 hours later----

Hiccup tried to make the stream go away from Berk as far as possible. Once Meatlug finished the stream, Fishlegs studied more about the Flightmare. While most Flightmares were a silver color, this certain Flightmare was a bright red. Fishlegs couldn't figure out why, though.

Alice patched up the Flightmare's wing and fed it glowing algae. She named him Flash, because he would let out glowing cloud that would fade away, and then he would let out the cloud again, and this cycle would continue.

Another whole year had passed, and Alice had fully trained Flash. Flash was a loyal dragon, but he was goofy at times. Alice and Flash raced other dragon riders, but usually didn't win. But that didn't bother them, because they had plenty of fun flying around Berk. Because of Alice's excellent dragon training skills, she was invited to become a student at the School of Dragons. A new island was discovered, and she met new friends and faced old enemies. She saved the island from Beserkers, and even befriended a Groncicle she named Snowshoe. She even found a Flightmare egg, which hatched into a Flightmare named Lily. Flash had accepted the baby Flightmare as his little sister. A few months later Alice became friendly rivals with a dragon rider named Ellith, who trained a Deadly Nadder named Nether. Flash and Alice also joined the Berk watch, and scared off Outcasts. She also became an excellent fisher. Flash never found a mate, but that didn't mean that Alice and Flash would stop looking so they could revive the Flightmare species. No other Flightmares came to Berk after Lily and Flash, but everyone still had faith that one day they would track down another Flightmare

To be continued....
That's right, peeps! This story isn't over yet! I might make a sequel to where Alice is 18, and she discovers Drago and his Beweilderbeast had gone into hiding, planning there next attack on Berk. But let me tell you right now, Alice won't get out of this without gaining a scar that could change her life forever....

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Not a clone

Okay, before I start The Last Dragons, I'd like to say Ace is not Ally's evil clone. She is Ally's twin sister. Also I'd like to say that Ace is not based on my real life sister. Ally represents me when she is in random pictures but in The Last Dragons she will not. While her personality may be similar to mine, in The Last Dragons she does not represent anyone. Ace does not represent anyone either, and the reason she doesn't represent my real sister is because her personality is nothing like my sister's personality. Have I made myself clear?

The Spirit of Light

This does relate to The Last Dragons and does have something to do with Ally. I won't spoil it though.

The Spirit of Darkness

This is something related to The Last Dragons, but I'm not going to spoil anything. Let me just say Ace has something to do with this.

The Last Dragons Cover!

The first page will be out soon!

Friday, July 31, 2015


so yeh



Silver Sky, Ally-Me

The Poke'mon version of Kaita belongs to my sister.

Bolt, Tammy- KASanimation


Me: Huh? Oh hai

Idk. I was bored.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ace (AKA Ms. Grump)

dat frown doh

So yeh this is like a dark clone/sister of my persona or dragonsona I guess.


I don't care what you say, LET THERE BE GAYS!

TAMOLT again :D

THATS TWO TAMOLT PICTURES IN ONE DAY!!! I must really ship this <3
I need to write myself a letter telling myself to chill.

Dear self,
You need to calm your self.

Me: heheh *flies away*


Tammy: O///////////////O

Tammy and Bolt- KASanimation

mah otp

my otp
i ship dis leik fedex
screw grammer
my face doh
Tammy and Bolt belongs to Kasanimation
Derpface (AKA me) in da corner der belongs to meh

My new look

mah new design

Yeah, I decided to look like a dragon.


Cause I like dragons.


Dark Pit, this is why you don't get on Viridi's nerves. XD




Seriously, Viridi is awesome. Don't deny it.

Viridi- Nintendo
Art- Me

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sparky the Pikachu

Name: Sparky
Gender: Male
Species: Pikachu
Likes: Food, running, hanging out with friends, battling
Dislikes: Humans, Ghost Pokemon
Bio: He was raised as a Pichu by a trainer, but since Sparky was never happy with his trainer he wouldn't evolve. His trainer would kick him if he ever lost a battle. When Sparky ran away, he battled stronger Pokemon and eventually evolved.

Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm rude XD

"No you, no me. Two sides of the same coin."
Dark Pit: PIT!!

Viridi: Calm down, I can just revive him.

-Pit is revived-

Pit: Ugh... Viridi?

Viridi: It's good to see you're alright. Can't say the same about Pittoo, though...

Pit: Huh? What happened to him?

Viridi: If you die, he dies. Remember?

Pit: Wait.. oh no... no!! Where is he?!

Viridi: He's gone, Pit... I'm sorry. But right now we have to save Palutena-

Pit: NO! He's not dead!! He can't be!!

-Pit rushes around frantically, but sees a dark feather lying on the ground-

Pit: N-no... No! This can't be happening! -starts crying-

Viridi: Pit! We have to refocus on finding the Chaos Kin!

Pit: I'm so sorry, Pittoo... This is all my fault...
I DO NOT SHIP PIT AND DARK PIT. GOT IT? I see them as brothers :P
Pit, Dark Pit, Viridi, Chaos Kin, Palutena- Nintendo
Art- Me

I am not amused.

OK but seriously guys.

Wanna know why I'm not amused?

Because of all the rude immature adults on the internet.

Honestly I see dumb adults on the internet 24/7.

There's a lot of them.

Trust me.

Children aren't as stupid as you think they are.

Friday, July 17, 2015

People are idiots

Okay, so I've heard a lot of complaints about Pitbull Terriers. People say that they're viscous! Pits are like any other breed, they will bite if you train them incorrectly and will be absolute sweethearts if you train them right! People are absolute idiots. There are a lot of videos about Pitbulls attacking young children, but you wanna know why those videos exist? BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE HATING ON THEM TRY TO GET EVERYONE ELSE TO HATE THEM!!! It's stupid, but they work! Why does it work? BECAUSE HUMANS ARE THE MOST STUPID THINGS ALIVE! Let's just be glad that not all humans are stupid, because some try to prove everyone else wrong about these adorable dogs. Tell me one way pits are evil, because I can prove you wrong.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Steven Universe OC: Topaz

This is Topaz, one of my Steven Universe OCs.

Name: Topaz
Pronouns: She, her, etc
Weapon: Hammer
Bio: She was born in Home World, and she and Spinel were chosen for a special mission on Earth. Topaz doesn't really like Spinel because of her grumpy attitude. Topaz has more of a happy attitude, and sometimes will bring up random subjects when she's bored or trying to stop Amber and Spinel from arguing.

Little Fun Fact: Her design is kinda based of Pit's design from Kid Icarus :3
Also, she used to wear a turquoise colored T-shirt and navy blue shorts, but her outfit changed and is now this.

Topaz- Me
Steven Universe- Rebecca Sugar

Uh Oh...

Yeah. This is my Steven Universe OC, Amber. My other OCs (Spinel and Topaz) are gems at the moment. Idk what they're being attacked by, probably a corrupted gem or something. I didn't color Amber because I was lazy... Sorry XD

Anyways, since I'm here, I may as well give some information on Amber.

Name: Amber
Pronouns: She, her etc.
Weapon: Gun (kinda like the Mii gunner's gun from Super Smash Bros)
Allied with: No one
Birthplace: Kindergarten
Bio: She was born in the Kindergarten on Earth, and she changed into some kind of T-rex thing to attack Beach City. She fled after the Crystal Gems stopped her. Nobody knows why she attacked Beach City, but everyone thinks she was frightened. She met two gems that were from Home World and became friends with them. Spinel and Topaz took care of her as they continued their mission given to them by Yellow Diamond. This mission was never shared with Amber, but she doesn't really care. She usually stays behind when Topaz and Spinel go to get information about Earth (that is not their real mission, but that's part of it).

Steven Universe- Rebecca Sugar
Topaz, Spinel, Amber- Me

Monday, July 13, 2015

Lugia's Song

I love this song so much~
Silver Sky seems so calm in this picture, I like how it came out! Honestly Lugia's Song calms me down when I'm confused or stressed :) Lugia is such a beautiful Poke'mon, I wish I had a Lugia :D
Actually little fun fact: At first I never really liked Lugia, but when I caught it in Alpha Sapphire I just fell in love with it <3 Although I never use it as much as my shiny Latias, it's still one of the most coolest Poke'mon I've ever caught :D

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Silver Sky and Alpha

Meet Silver Sky's brother, Alpha! I literally had a tough time naming Alpha, but that was until I was all like: "How about I name him after my Lugia in Alpha Sapphire?" Now you're probably saying that I should've named my Kyogre Alpha (which I was planning to at first), but when I caught Kyogre the name Alpha didn't really fit him. But when I got Lugia (which took FOREVER), I felt like Alpha fit him more.

Anyways, you're probably saying Alpha looks almost Identical to Silver Sky. But as you can see, Alpha is way bigger than Silver Sky. Also he isn't wearing pants around his neck XD I tried to make the scarf more realistic and I failed.

Anyways, both have a pretty dark past. When they were a couple of months old, their older brothers and parents died from a Team Rocket attack. Silver Sky was taken to their head quarters while Alpha was able to escape. Team Rocket used Silver Sky to take over the whole Johto region. A trainer caught Alpha and was taken to Hoenn with him. Alpha and his trainer were best friends. Though Silver Sky hates humans, and almost killed a trainer when they tried to catch him. Soon he met a Latias named Allison. Allison was raised by Lopunny, but had flew off to find her brother. She befriended Silver Sky and a Pikachu named Sparky. As for Alpha he and his trainer beat the Poke'mon League. His trainer is now the champion of Hoenn, with Alpha as his strongest team member.

R.I.P Iwata

I heard that the President of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata passed away recently. In honor of him, I drew my pal from my very first game on the 3ds, Jaws the Feralagatr. Thank you, Iwata. You will be missed!

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

Silver Sky is like: Oh... um... I knew that...

Song: Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better
Art, characters- Me


Silvy Sky eating a cookie :3


Ceiling Icecream?

If Pit likes floor icecream, does Dark Pit like ceiling Icecream? O.o


Dark Pit- Nintendo
Art- Me

Deadly Nadder

Just a random drawing of a Deadly Nadder.

Deadly Nadder- Dreamaorks
Art- Me

Before and After


Latias: I'm glad we don't look like that anymore.

Latios: Same.

I'm pretty surprised I was able to draw my old style of Latios and Latias. You would assume that I would have a hard time with that.

Latias and Latios- Nintendo

Art- Me

Pandora OMG

Pandora: OH MY GODS

XD Pandora is one of my favorite characters in Kid Icarus Uprising! I think she should be and assist trophy in Smash Bros. :D

Pandora- Nintendo
Art- Me



Just a lazy drawing of Latias.

Latias- Nintendo
Art- Me

Friday, July 10, 2015

New Design (kinda)


Yeah, I added her Mega Stone :) Nothing else really :P

"Beyond Evolution, Mega Evolve!" WIP

Just something I'm working on

I still suck at drawing Mega Latias

For KasAnimation

I tried shading this, and I failed XD

This is for an amazing animator on Youtube named KasAnimation. She makes great animations! You should go check her channel out!

Sorry for not coloring it (except the eyes), I knew it would turn out horrible if I did XD I hope you like it!

Allison Mega Form

Did I really forget the things Mega Latias has on the bottom of it's face?


Yup. My first attempt at drawing Mega Latias. AND IT'S SHINY MEGA LATIAS :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Allison: Heh... I didn't know I could Mega Evolve...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Flash the Flightmare

Name: Flash
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Species: Flightmare
Rider: Alice
Personality: Playful, curious, adventurous
Likes: Flying, salmon, running, blasting things in the face, swimming, playing fetch, hiding, and meeting new dragons.
Dislikes: Eels, Monstrous Nightmares, Icestorm Island, and worms.
Backstory: His mother was shot down and killed when he was an egg. When he and his siblings hatched, they were rescued by Hiccup and the others. When they were brought to the dragon training center, Flash escaped and met a dragon trainer named Alice. Alice raised him along with her other dragon, a Zippleback named Crunch and Munch. His siblings were stolen by Dagur and raised to attack Berk, and now Alice and Flash have to save them.
Remember Flash? Yeah, I changed up his story a bit. I'm probably not going to continue that old story btw XD

Kid Icarus OC: Ayla

Name: Ayla
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Sarcastic, funny, brave
Weapon: Palutena Bow or Twinbellows Cannon
This is Ayla, she is an angel and allied with Palutena's army. She was found unconscious in a  destroyed human village after the war with Hades. She was taken to Skyworld to recover, but her injuries left a few scars. She has a scar on the top of her left wing, but you can't really see it because feathers have grown over it. She can fly without the Power of Flight, but uses it every now and then for missions.

Okay, so your probably wondering why I wrote her backstory and not Cathie's. Well Cathie's story spoils a story I'm working on but Ayla's doesn't really spoil anything from the story.


Kid Icarus OC: Cathie

  Name: Cathie
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, kind, happy-going
Weapon: Viridi Palm or EZ Cannon
This is my Kid Icarus OC, Cathie. She's half human and half angel. I won't talk about her backstory because it is revealed in a story I'm working on, and I don't want to spoil it.

Or angels in this case.
Oh well, I think it came out okay.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Seriously, it's VERY annoying when someone says "gay marriage is disturbing".
And, it's very insulting. And I'm not even gay. That still doesn't change the fact that I think people who say "gays are disturbing" are insulting. People, just stop. Seriously. This is getting annoying. Even one of my favorite artists said this on her deviantart account. PEEPS, JUST STAHP!