
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Flash the Flightmare

Name: Flash
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Species: Flightmare
Rider: Alice
Personality: Playful, curious, adventurous
Likes: Flying, salmon, running, blasting things in the face, swimming, playing fetch, hiding, and meeting new dragons.
Dislikes: Eels, Monstrous Nightmares, Icestorm Island, and worms.
Backstory: His mother was shot down and killed when he was an egg. When he and his siblings hatched, they were rescued by Hiccup and the others. When they were brought to the dragon training center, Flash escaped and met a dragon trainer named Alice. Alice raised him along with her other dragon, a Zippleback named Crunch and Munch. His siblings were stolen by Dagur and raised to attack Berk, and now Alice and Flash have to save them.
Remember Flash? Yeah, I changed up his story a bit. I'm probably not going to continue that old story btw XD

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