
Friday, July 17, 2015

People are idiots

Okay, so I've heard a lot of complaints about Pitbull Terriers. People say that they're viscous! Pits are like any other breed, they will bite if you train them incorrectly and will be absolute sweethearts if you train them right! People are absolute idiots. There are a lot of videos about Pitbulls attacking young children, but you wanna know why those videos exist? BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE HATING ON THEM TRY TO GET EVERYONE ELSE TO HATE THEM!!! It's stupid, but they work! Why does it work? BECAUSE HUMANS ARE THE MOST STUPID THINGS ALIVE! Let's just be glad that not all humans are stupid, because some try to prove everyone else wrong about these adorable dogs. Tell me one way pits are evil, because I can prove you wrong.

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