
Friday, July 31, 2015


so yeh



Silver Sky, Ally-Me

The Poke'mon version of Kaita belongs to my sister.

Bolt, Tammy- KASanimation


Me: Huh? Oh hai

Idk. I was bored.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ace (AKA Ms. Grump)

dat frown doh

So yeh this is like a dark clone/sister of my persona or dragonsona I guess.


I don't care what you say, LET THERE BE GAYS!

TAMOLT again :D

THATS TWO TAMOLT PICTURES IN ONE DAY!!! I must really ship this <3
I need to write myself a letter telling myself to chill.

Dear self,
You need to calm your self.

Me: heheh *flies away*


Tammy: O///////////////O

Tammy and Bolt- KASanimation

mah otp

my otp
i ship dis leik fedex
screw grammer
my face doh
Tammy and Bolt belongs to Kasanimation
Derpface (AKA me) in da corner der belongs to meh

My new look

mah new design

Yeah, I decided to look like a dragon.


Cause I like dragons.


Dark Pit, this is why you don't get on Viridi's nerves. XD




Seriously, Viridi is awesome. Don't deny it.

Viridi- Nintendo
Art- Me

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sparky the Pikachu

Name: Sparky
Gender: Male
Species: Pikachu
Likes: Food, running, hanging out with friends, battling
Dislikes: Humans, Ghost Pokemon
Bio: He was raised as a Pichu by a trainer, but since Sparky was never happy with his trainer he wouldn't evolve. His trainer would kick him if he ever lost a battle. When Sparky ran away, he battled stronger Pokemon and eventually evolved.

Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm rude XD

"No you, no me. Two sides of the same coin."
Dark Pit: PIT!!

Viridi: Calm down, I can just revive him.

-Pit is revived-

Pit: Ugh... Viridi?

Viridi: It's good to see you're alright. Can't say the same about Pittoo, though...

Pit: Huh? What happened to him?

Viridi: If you die, he dies. Remember?

Pit: Wait.. oh no... no!! Where is he?!

Viridi: He's gone, Pit... I'm sorry. But right now we have to save Palutena-

Pit: NO! He's not dead!! He can't be!!

-Pit rushes around frantically, but sees a dark feather lying on the ground-

Pit: N-no... No! This can't be happening! -starts crying-

Viridi: Pit! We have to refocus on finding the Chaos Kin!

Pit: I'm so sorry, Pittoo... This is all my fault...
I DO NOT SHIP PIT AND DARK PIT. GOT IT? I see them as brothers :P
Pit, Dark Pit, Viridi, Chaos Kin, Palutena- Nintendo
Art- Me

I am not amused.

OK but seriously guys.

Wanna know why I'm not amused?

Because of all the rude immature adults on the internet.

Honestly I see dumb adults on the internet 24/7.

There's a lot of them.

Trust me.

Children aren't as stupid as you think they are.

Friday, July 17, 2015

People are idiots

Okay, so I've heard a lot of complaints about Pitbull Terriers. People say that they're viscous! Pits are like any other breed, they will bite if you train them incorrectly and will be absolute sweethearts if you train them right! People are absolute idiots. There are a lot of videos about Pitbulls attacking young children, but you wanna know why those videos exist? BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE HATING ON THEM TRY TO GET EVERYONE ELSE TO HATE THEM!!! It's stupid, but they work! Why does it work? BECAUSE HUMANS ARE THE MOST STUPID THINGS ALIVE! Let's just be glad that not all humans are stupid, because some try to prove everyone else wrong about these adorable dogs. Tell me one way pits are evil, because I can prove you wrong.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Steven Universe OC: Topaz

This is Topaz, one of my Steven Universe OCs.

Name: Topaz
Pronouns: She, her, etc
Weapon: Hammer
Bio: She was born in Home World, and she and Spinel were chosen for a special mission on Earth. Topaz doesn't really like Spinel because of her grumpy attitude. Topaz has more of a happy attitude, and sometimes will bring up random subjects when she's bored or trying to stop Amber and Spinel from arguing.

Little Fun Fact: Her design is kinda based of Pit's design from Kid Icarus :3
Also, she used to wear a turquoise colored T-shirt and navy blue shorts, but her outfit changed and is now this.

Topaz- Me
Steven Universe- Rebecca Sugar

Uh Oh...

Yeah. This is my Steven Universe OC, Amber. My other OCs (Spinel and Topaz) are gems at the moment. Idk what they're being attacked by, probably a corrupted gem or something. I didn't color Amber because I was lazy... Sorry XD

Anyways, since I'm here, I may as well give some information on Amber.

Name: Amber
Pronouns: She, her etc.
Weapon: Gun (kinda like the Mii gunner's gun from Super Smash Bros)
Allied with: No one
Birthplace: Kindergarten
Bio: She was born in the Kindergarten on Earth, and she changed into some kind of T-rex thing to attack Beach City. She fled after the Crystal Gems stopped her. Nobody knows why she attacked Beach City, but everyone thinks she was frightened. She met two gems that were from Home World and became friends with them. Spinel and Topaz took care of her as they continued their mission given to them by Yellow Diamond. This mission was never shared with Amber, but she doesn't really care. She usually stays behind when Topaz and Spinel go to get information about Earth (that is not their real mission, but that's part of it).

Steven Universe- Rebecca Sugar
Topaz, Spinel, Amber- Me

Monday, July 13, 2015

Lugia's Song

I love this song so much~
Silver Sky seems so calm in this picture, I like how it came out! Honestly Lugia's Song calms me down when I'm confused or stressed :) Lugia is such a beautiful Poke'mon, I wish I had a Lugia :D
Actually little fun fact: At first I never really liked Lugia, but when I caught it in Alpha Sapphire I just fell in love with it <3 Although I never use it as much as my shiny Latias, it's still one of the most coolest Poke'mon I've ever caught :D

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Silver Sky and Alpha

Meet Silver Sky's brother, Alpha! I literally had a tough time naming Alpha, but that was until I was all like: "How about I name him after my Lugia in Alpha Sapphire?" Now you're probably saying that I should've named my Kyogre Alpha (which I was planning to at first), but when I caught Kyogre the name Alpha didn't really fit him. But when I got Lugia (which took FOREVER), I felt like Alpha fit him more.

Anyways, you're probably saying Alpha looks almost Identical to Silver Sky. But as you can see, Alpha is way bigger than Silver Sky. Also he isn't wearing pants around his neck XD I tried to make the scarf more realistic and I failed.

Anyways, both have a pretty dark past. When they were a couple of months old, their older brothers and parents died from a Team Rocket attack. Silver Sky was taken to their head quarters while Alpha was able to escape. Team Rocket used Silver Sky to take over the whole Johto region. A trainer caught Alpha and was taken to Hoenn with him. Alpha and his trainer were best friends. Though Silver Sky hates humans, and almost killed a trainer when they tried to catch him. Soon he met a Latias named Allison. Allison was raised by Lopunny, but had flew off to find her brother. She befriended Silver Sky and a Pikachu named Sparky. As for Alpha he and his trainer beat the Poke'mon League. His trainer is now the champion of Hoenn, with Alpha as his strongest team member.

R.I.P Iwata

I heard that the President of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata passed away recently. In honor of him, I drew my pal from my very first game on the 3ds, Jaws the Feralagatr. Thank you, Iwata. You will be missed!

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

Silver Sky is like: Oh... um... I knew that...

Song: Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better
Art, characters- Me


Silvy Sky eating a cookie :3


Ceiling Icecream?

If Pit likes floor icecream, does Dark Pit like ceiling Icecream? O.o


Dark Pit- Nintendo
Art- Me

Deadly Nadder

Just a random drawing of a Deadly Nadder.

Deadly Nadder- Dreamaorks
Art- Me

Before and After


Latias: I'm glad we don't look like that anymore.

Latios: Same.

I'm pretty surprised I was able to draw my old style of Latios and Latias. You would assume that I would have a hard time with that.

Latias and Latios- Nintendo

Art- Me

Pandora OMG

Pandora: OH MY GODS

XD Pandora is one of my favorite characters in Kid Icarus Uprising! I think she should be and assist trophy in Smash Bros. :D

Pandora- Nintendo
Art- Me



Just a lazy drawing of Latias.

Latias- Nintendo
Art- Me

Friday, July 10, 2015

New Design (kinda)


Yeah, I added her Mega Stone :) Nothing else really :P

"Beyond Evolution, Mega Evolve!" WIP

Just something I'm working on

I still suck at drawing Mega Latias

For KasAnimation

I tried shading this, and I failed XD

This is for an amazing animator on Youtube named KasAnimation. She makes great animations! You should go check her channel out!

Sorry for not coloring it (except the eyes), I knew it would turn out horrible if I did XD I hope you like it!

Allison Mega Form

Did I really forget the things Mega Latias has on the bottom of it's face?


Yup. My first attempt at drawing Mega Latias. AND IT'S SHINY MEGA LATIAS :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Allison: Heh... I didn't know I could Mega Evolve...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Flash the Flightmare

Name: Flash
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Species: Flightmare
Rider: Alice
Personality: Playful, curious, adventurous
Likes: Flying, salmon, running, blasting things in the face, swimming, playing fetch, hiding, and meeting new dragons.
Dislikes: Eels, Monstrous Nightmares, Icestorm Island, and worms.
Backstory: His mother was shot down and killed when he was an egg. When he and his siblings hatched, they were rescued by Hiccup and the others. When they were brought to the dragon training center, Flash escaped and met a dragon trainer named Alice. Alice raised him along with her other dragon, a Zippleback named Crunch and Munch. His siblings were stolen by Dagur and raised to attack Berk, and now Alice and Flash have to save them.
Remember Flash? Yeah, I changed up his story a bit. I'm probably not going to continue that old story btw XD

Kid Icarus OC: Ayla

Name: Ayla
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Sarcastic, funny, brave
Weapon: Palutena Bow or Twinbellows Cannon
This is Ayla, she is an angel and allied with Palutena's army. She was found unconscious in a  destroyed human village after the war with Hades. She was taken to Skyworld to recover, but her injuries left a few scars. She has a scar on the top of her left wing, but you can't really see it because feathers have grown over it. She can fly without the Power of Flight, but uses it every now and then for missions.

Okay, so your probably wondering why I wrote her backstory and not Cathie's. Well Cathie's story spoils a story I'm working on but Ayla's doesn't really spoil anything from the story.


Kid Icarus OC: Cathie

  Name: Cathie
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy, kind, happy-going
Weapon: Viridi Palm or EZ Cannon
This is my Kid Icarus OC, Cathie. She's half human and half angel. I won't talk about her backstory because it is revealed in a story I'm working on, and I don't want to spoil it.

Or angels in this case.
Oh well, I think it came out okay.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Seriously, it's VERY annoying when someone says "gay marriage is disturbing".
And, it's very insulting. And I'm not even gay. That still doesn't change the fact that I think people who say "gays are disturbing" are insulting. People, just stop. Seriously. This is getting annoying. Even one of my favorite artists said this on her deviantart account. PEEPS, JUST STAHP! 

Just a random Drawing

Just something random I drew :P I was bored.

Why can't they just leave me alone?!

Internet Bully: Oh, I guess the reason you're so stupid is because you're 11.
Internet Bully 2: You're probably depressed because you didn't get a ice cream in your happy meal XD
Internet Bully 3: You're just a stupid baby.
Allison: JUST. SHUT. UP.
Internet Bully: Pfft, you don't scare me.
Internet Bully 2: You're so pathetic.
Internet Bully 3: You're just a weak and idiotic 11 year old kid.
Allison.: ...
Friend: Ally, please don't end your life because of them... they know nothing.
Allison: ...
Friend: Don't listen to them! They don't have a hard life, and they just like to make fun of younger kids!
Allison: ...
Friend: Don't worry. We're always here.
Allison: ... Just go, please... You'll be happy when I'm gone...

Monday, July 6, 2015

Something I'd like to say

Okay guys, now before I talk, I'd like to say that if you disagree with me, don't rant in the comments. This is my opinion, and if you don't respect it than I don't want to hear your arguments. Okay, so most of you probably know that gay marriage is legal now in all states, but I have heard people say "I don't support gay marriage but I'm not against it" and it's really annoying. I mean, I'm not mad that you don't support it, that's your problem. I support it, and though the people who have said this don't mind gays, I still find it a little offensive. If you say you don't support it but your not against it, that doesn't make any sense, and to me it really sounds like you can't make up your mind. And I've heard someone say it's disturbing! I mean yeah when people draw it sometimes it's disturbing, but mostly it's not! And if you say it's disturbing, it sounds pretty offensive! I'm not gay myself, but still when I hear people say gay marriage is disturbing I still feel offended! If you say your not against gay marriage that pretty much means you support it. So if your against it, that basically means you don't support it! So don't go around saying that you don't support gays but you're not against them, because people will basically think you're against them  ~Foxtails

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Turquoise's Insanity Form

This is Turquoise's Insanity Form, Shadow.

He usually turns into his Insanity Form when he's extremely angry, so out of all Poke'mon, he is the only one who switches into his Insanity Form easily.

For FlipnoteWildLatias

Again, sorry for not coloring it DX

This is for FlipnoteWildLatias, she's an awesome youtuber! Sadly, I think she's been feeling down lately...

Don't worry, Latias! I know exactly how you feel. Literally, I have to deal with stupid people on the internet day after day. People just won't leave me alone. People complain about my love for animals, they get mad at me for telling idiots to leave other youtubers alone, and worst is that they complain because I'm 11 and I have a Youtube account! If you're going through stuff similar to that, or even stuff that involves hurting yourself, don't feel bad! Haters are just jealous cause they aren't amazing like you :3


For Rae Bae


This is for a youtuber named Rae Bae :3 She is an amazing animator, but haters have been making her feel bad, so this is what I would do to all of the haters :D

Sorry for not coloring it, but anyways, Rae, I know how you feel. I've been called horrible things every now and then. But some of those things get to me. I've been called "Ignorant" and "brat" for as long as I could remember, and I always wondered if I was ever wanted. I don't want you to feel like that, so please, don't let those haters get to you. You are an amazing person, and no one can ever change that. And I've seen some people say, "why do you like Robots?" I think you can draw what ever makes you happy :) I do that all the time,  so it's nothing to be ashamed of! If you wanna draw Robots, you can! I loved that movie! And if you want to draw Ninja Turtles, you can! I don't mind. People are just mad cause they love FNaF. Don't listen to all those haters, because you aren't alone. If I could, I would punch everyone that hates you and makes you feel bad. Please don't hurt yourself over all that, because all those haters know nothing. They just say things just to get fans. But they don't, you know why? Because they aren't amazing like you :)


Brother and Sister

Allison: Tank you, big bwother! I wuv it!

Turquoise: You're welcome, little sis.


So this is basically before Allison vanished.

Turquoise got her a bandanna! How sweet <3

Also, I'd just like to say that I do not have a brother in real life. I have an AMAZING sister :D
I just think it's fitting to have my pokesona have a latios brother :)



Uncreative title is uncreative
Wow, I've been posting A LOT XD
Sorry idea over flow! XD
Ace, you are INSANE!
Well, I guess that makes sense cause you're an Insanity Form...

Ace: No dip Sherlock >:I

XD ~Foxtails


Lol! My favorite line from Chuggaconroy's Let's play of Kid Icarus XD ~Foxtails


ish okay i'm fine XD

<dis is random
Yeah I do go through rough things sometimes and this is usually how I end up feeling. BUT I IS FINE! And I'll give you proof im fine!


Is that not enough proof? XD

Turquoise the Latios

Okay, Introducing TURQUOISE! :D
Name: Turquoise
Sister: Allison
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Backstory: He lost his sister when he was young, who was raised by Lopunny soon after. During his whole life, he searched for his sister. But years past, and he was caught by a trainer. His trainer is loving and caring to his whole team, but Turquoise refuses to take orders from him. Turquoise will get into a fight with his other team members, except one. Lila the Pidgeotto. He had a crush on Lila ever since his trainer caught him, and will do anything to protect her. Every day he got complaints from his other team members that he should obey his trainer, even Lila told him. But he still refused to take orders from his trainer, and in one battle he killed a wild Ponyta when he got extremely angry. Now his trainer has no idea what to do with him, but he still won't give up hope on Turquoise.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Silver Sky's Insanity Form

This is Blood Cloud, the Insanity Form of Silver Sky.
Anyways, I hope you guys like it :)

Allison's Insanity Form

This is Allison's Insanity Form, aka Ace.
Lemme tell you about Insanity Forms~
All Poke'mon have Insanity Forms, it's just that they rarely ever change into them.
This form gives the Poke'mon unlimited power, power that not even itself can control. If a Poke'mon ever switches into Insanity Form, it will destroy everything in sight. They have a quite disturbing appearance, actually. Blood will drip from it's eyes, and it's eyes usually turn red, no matter what. There color can change as well. You won't know how long a Poke'mon will be in it's Insanity Form, but you can prevent it. If a Poke'mon starts to turn into it's Insanity Form, you must have the Sanity Flute. It will calm down once it hears the melody. But how does it change into it's Insanity Form is unknown. Most times it's random.

Insanity Forms ARE NOT cannon, the idea just suddenly struck me XD
